More Than Child’s Play (MTCP) is a Family Resource Centre. MTCP (formally called A Mothers Place) was initiated in 1982 as an outreach program project of Creating Together, a family drop in centre in Parkdale. At the time, the area was very much characterized by low income, high unemployment and high infant mortality. The objective was to establish a support group for low income, socially isolated, single parent families and to provide programming for preschool children.
1985, A Big Year. In 1985, funding was secured under the Ontario Job Corps to hire staff for the children’s program. Also during 1985, the name of the program was changed to More Than Child’s Play in recognition of fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles and caregivers that used the service. In November 1985 the fire hall was closed for extensive renovations, the community board disbanded and the program was re-located to the Parkdale Community School. Due to the uncertain future of the fire hall users of MTCP, members of the community resource centre decided to incorporate the program as a non-profit community based organization.
The organization was finally incorporated on March 20 1986 and charitable status was obtained in October 1986. The Department of Parks and Recreation (City of Toronto) was responsible for the children’s program and agreed to pay for the qualified part time children’s program staff until other funding was secured. The location of MTCP at the Parkdale Community School was not appropriate as the space was too small, the room was dreary with no natural lighting and had very little storage space. The room was also shared which caused a lot of safety issues.
In September of 1987, Masaryk Hall re-opened and MTCP was provided free permit space. The room was large, airy and bright. 1987 was a successful year on all levels. After many years of inadequate and unstable funding, MTCP was able to secure substantial grants from all levels of government. Grants were received from the City of Toronto and the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services.
MTCP continues to be funded through the Ministry of Community of Social Services and the City of Toronto. Today, we still continue to provide essential services for our community.
In February 2016, Ministry of Education announced that Ontario Early Years Child Centres, along with Family Resource Centres programs would come together to create a common set of services under the same governance and branding.
These child and family programs are now known as EarlyON. This transformation enhanced existing services, increased access to inclusive play-based learning opportunities, and aimed to support parents and caregivers to improve the developmental health and wellbeing of all children
EarlyON Centres are open for FREE to ALL families. Our wide variety of programming and services are tailored to children from birth to six years, and their parents and caregivers.
As an EarlyON we offer families the opportunity to learn and connect with other families and early childhood professionals.
EarlyON provides centre-based, mobile sites and virtual programs that where families can:
Engage in play-based learning activities;
Get advice from early childhood professionals;
Learn more about other family services and supports in your area;
Connect with other families with young children
We believe in building a friendly and inclusive environment. We provide environments, programs and services to foster positive learning. We have on-site Early Childhood Professionals ready to provide support, advice, and helpful resources to expecting parents and caregivers.
EarlyON is a place where children, parents, and caring adults can gather, learn, play, laugh and build community.
More than Child’s Play (MTCP) strives to meet the diverse needs of parents and children in the local community. MTCP provides support services and information resources to parents and children which encourage optimal social, emotional and physical development in an atmosphere of equality, security, and harmony.